What is standardised work, and how is it implemented?
Standardized work (also known as standard work) in Lean manufacturing refers to the process of examining and discovering the current best practises for accomplishing jobs and processes. They are documented with precise steps that indicate who performs the work, what is required to accomplish the task, when the task has to be done and how the task should be done. In certain cases, the standard work instructions may additionally contain information regarding why the job should be executed in the manner it is described. In what ways is this different from a standard operating procedure, you may ask yourself? (SOP). There is a lot of information to be found in the specifics. A standard operating procedure (SOP) is often less detailed than standard operating procedures (SOPs). There are a number of examples of pre-flight SOPs, including the safety instructions given by flight attendants before departure. All of them convey the same information, even if they do it in different ways. Work procedures that are standardised tend to be more thorough. There are detailed directions on how to carry out each stage. In order to assure constant quality and output, it is vital to describe precisely what needs to be done and how it should be done.
The advantages of standard work in Lean manufacturing
Many people are averse to change. When they are forced to think in a new way, it makes them feel uncomfortable. There are certain benefits to standardised work and Kaizen, however, which stimulates teamwork and enables everyone to offer ideas for improving the process. You can visit SwipeGuide for more info.
The following are some of the advantages of conventional work and Kaizen:
A steady stream of top-notch results:
There is no variance in the output since everyone completes their task in the same manner. Costs, necessary inventory, takt time, task sequences, and so on may all be more accurately predicted when the output is equal. The quality of your items will also be more constant, which will increase consumer satisfaction.
Boosted effectiveness:
Because everyone is following generally accepted best practises while executing their duties, the operation runs smoothly and effectively.
Waste is reduced:
Defects that lead to things being thrown away or severely discounted may be reduced or eliminated by following specified actions.
Workplace safety:
Everyone is where they should be and doing what they should be doing because your personnel are well-trained and follow established work routines. Injuries and dangers are reduced as a result.
Improvements are easier to implement:
After a period of time, it is simpler for individuals engaged to recognise where improvements might be made to the standard job. Workers have a better grasp of the process and can see how the modification may improve workflow more immediately when it is small.
Problem resolution in a more efficient manner:
Is it true that using a regular work process eliminates errors? No. If anything goes wrong, you’ll be able to figure out what went wrong much faster if you’re familiar with the procedure.
Rather of focusing on the individuals, focus on the processes:
Mechanical or process failures are more likely to be the source of mistakes when your staff strictly adhere to the usual work procedures. When anything goes wrong, employees realise it’s not their responsibility.