What if I tell you that sugar pills with no active ingredients can produce real medical benefits? It may sound too good to be true, but this phenomenon is real and called the “placebo effect.” Placebos are essential in medical research, especially clinical trials for new drugs and treatments.
But how do they work, and what makes them useful in clinical trials? If you want to know about the Placebos in Clinical trials, you are at the right place. In this post, we will talk about Placebos and their importance in the Clinical Trials procedure.
What are Placebos?
Placebos are substances without pharmacological effects, like inert sugar pills, dummy procedures, or saline injections. There is no active ingredient in the Placebo treatments that may impact health negatively or positively. In short, they are the dummy treatments that are given to differentiate between the people who are receiving the control treatment and actual clinical treatment.
Why are Placeboes Important in Clinical Trials?
#1 – Building Baseline
Imagine researchers are testing a new drug designed to reduce pain. To determine its effectiveness, they administer the drug to some participants while giving others a placebo that resembles the actual medication. The researchers now analyze the effect on the group that received trial medicine and the group that received the placebo treatment. As the Placebo group never received actual medicine, this sets the baseline, and the results are compared with the actual group that received the medicine for better understanding.
#2 – Understanding Placebo
The Placebo effect is a term that refers to the reaction from humans when no active medicine is injected into the body. Still, the brain thinks it is a positive sign and makes the necessary changes to relieve the symptoms of any disease. This is quite a unique way to know if the condition for which the medicine is being tested can be treated through a Placebo.
#3 – Fairness in Trials
The Double Blind study is done to maintain fairness in the clinical trials. In a double-blind study, neither the participants nor the researchers know who is receiving the real treatment and who is getting the placebo. As some people have received real medicine and some have received placebos, but no one knows who received what, the researchers can have a better understanding of the psychology of the participants and the chemistry of the medicines. This helps researchers to get unbiased opinions and proper results.
Final Words
Placeboes are not the real treatment, but they are provided to the people in the clinical trials. With the placeboes, the researchers can understand the effect of human psychology on the medical condition and the psychology of the participants and also help build the baseline for identifying the actual impact of the trial medicine. We hope you’ve learned everything about the importance of placebo in Clinical trials. Feel free to ask us any questions in the comments below.
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