With mass production and generic car brands, personalized number plates give you a sense of exclusivity on the road. Using them, you can make your car stand out while also personalizing it while adhering to DVLA regulations.
Many people think private registration plates are only for the wealthy; that you can only afford them if you’ve made a million dollars. Only a few highly publicized plates ever command exorbitant prices, indicating that the vast majority of plates available on the market are affordable.
How Much Is a Private UK Registration Plate?
A Bradford businessman bought “25 O” for his classic Ferrari 250 GT California for £518,000 in 2014 and then sold it for £518,000. However, that particular deal was an outlier, and it was the decade’s largest. From 2005 to 2009, the DVLA sold its “crown jewels,” which were rare plates on its books that it thought would sell for a high price. Most private number plates are much less expensive.
A basic personalized registration plate with two letters, two numbers, and three letters costs £150 and £350. In the above example, Sue could have the license plate BA61 SUE, and Tom could have BV51 TOM.
Plates with a single letter suffix and a triple letter combination at the start of the plate are the most complex. If your name was Sue Smith, you might choose SUE 341S for your car. If you’re feeling particularly creative, you could use the middle number to represent your birth date. Sue Smith, born April 1944, would be SUE 444S. Depending on their popularity, registration plates with triple letter prefixes range from £200 to £600.
Registration plates with year letters in the prefix, like F5 BSH, improve simple triple letter combinations. These plates are rarer than the longer varieties and can command a high market price. DVLA data shows that while some less desirable varieties can be purchased for as little as £200, the most desirable can fetch five figures, with the most expensive fetching over £60,000.
Purchasing number plates with no prefix year letters and only year numbers as a prefix is a more extreme measure.
At this point, registration plates are extremely rare, but this company can make it happened numeroplates.co.uk. People who want to represent a business, idea, or location can use double letter suffix combinations with a single preceding number, such as 2 FP.
Like B 54 or N 11, single-letter prefixes are the most expensive, followed by two-letter prefixes. Although these license plates are usually reserved for high-end or classic cars, no law prohibits their use on a regular car. These personalized license plates are prohibitively expensive. A single-letter prefix and double-number suffix registration can cost £15,000 in total. The most expensive is £500,000, followed by £400,000.
Finally, it’s worth noting that other factors influence the cost of a personalized license plate. In the first case, whether the plate starts or ends with a “1,” the former commands a higher price. Another reason is that plates without year identifiers are typically much more expensive. Exclusive items will command a higher price, but if you want something with your name on it, you won’t have to break the bank to get it.
Uncategorizable plates, which command a higher price due to their rarity, are cherished. The registration BA12 RYS is a good example, with the 12 forming an R shape from the letters BA and RYS.
Private Number Plate Cost
Aside from the cost of the plate itself, having a private number plate installed on your vehicle is very inexpensive. After completing the necessary paperwork and installing the new license plate on the vehicle, the driver is done.
However, leaving a license plate from a vehicle will result in additional costs. The DVLA charges £80 for a five-year retention certificate for plates not attached to vehicles.
Even so, most people who buy license plates mount them on their cars, avoiding any additional registration fees. Consider the purpose of a plate when determining its value. Name or initial plates are cheap and easy to find. On the other hand, the cost of exclusivity is time and money.