A rear end that’s shapely, round, and full has become more popular than ever in recent years. Plenty of people now recognize and celebrate the aesthetic appeal of a curvy derriere. The good news is, someone who wants to get that sort of recognition for themselves can do so with a minimally-invasive procedure that’s both popular and safe. It’s called the Brazilian butt lift, and it’s a game-changer for patients who want to significantly enhance their physiques without implants. Find out how much, is a Brazilian Butt Lift?
Creating Curves In All The Right Places
It’s obvious from the name that the Brazilian butt lift is primarily intended to enhance the buttocks, but it can improve other parts of your physique at the same time. This is because the procedure uses the patient’s own fat to enhance the rear. So if you have any problem areas elsewhere on your body, you can slim them down even as you boost your behind. If, for instance, you have some excess fat around the stomach, this can be extracted and transferred to a more welcome region, i.e. your buttocks.
Erasing The Frustration Of The Weight Plateau
If diet and exercise aren’t cutting it in your quest to reach your ideal weight, a Brazilian butt lift is a great way to side-step weight plateaus. The procedure doesn’t usually result in any major change in your body weight, but the redistribution of fat can sculpt and streamline your look. Be happy with your current weight and reach for the shape of your dreams!
A Fully Customizable Procedure
The Brazilian butt lift scores over implant procedures by offering you, the patient, more options. With implants, you’re stuck choosing between a limited range of shapes and sizes. With a butt lift, though, you’re free to define your own goals for how your behind should look.
Minimally Invasive
Admittedly, a Brazilian butt lift still qualifies as surgery. As far as cosmetic surgery goes, though, it is far down the list when it comes to invasiveness. The less invasive a procedure is, the fewer health risks come with it. Healing time is faster, too. Once the fat needed for the Brazilian butt lift has been extracted, the remainder of the procedure can be completed quickly, without anesthesia.
Achieve A Better-Fitting Wardrobe.
The Brazilian butt lift creates the full, round, lifted derriere you’ve always wanted. The results are natural-looking, yet idealized. You’ll be amazed at the new feel and fit of your clothes after you’ve gone through the procedure.