The composition of a woman’s milk is inconstant. In the first two or three days after delivery, colostrum is secreted from the woman’s breast, then transitional milk, and after two weeks, mature milk. The amount of colostrum is small, on average 30 ml per day, but its energy value is so high that it completely satisfies the nutritional needs of the newborn. And colostrum is not only a very useful food product for the baby.
Due to its high content of a variety of biologically active and protective factors, it provides a reliable newborn adaptation to the conditions of a new extrauterine existence and protection against a variety of infections. The composition of breast milk may also change during the day and during the same infant feeding: the first portions of milk “front or early” contain more proteins and minerals, and the last portion of “back or late” contains more fat.
How to choose a milk formula
And how difficult it is to choose decent artificial food for your child after all you’ve heard. All the more so because of the huge number of baby food manufacturers, it is very difficult to determine which brand is the best and highest quality. Rating mixes are constantly changing, adding new brands. To make it easier to choose a formula for feeding, pay attention to the reputation of the manufacturer, the features of its products, and feedback from other parents. Pricing is also important because a quality product cannot cost cheap.
Infant formula is a type of special food designed for artificial feeding or to supplement the breast milk of the mother. It consists of whey, powdered milk, protein hydroxylate, and many other components. Thanks to him, the baby gets all the necessary substances for normal development. True, this becomes possible only when choosing the best infant formula. You can find a wide selection of quality infant formula at
The most important ingredients in the formula
Adapted milk formulas are the closest to breast milk. They are suitable for use from birth. They contain many polyunsaturated acids, vitamins, and minerals. Furthermore, they are rapidly absorbed as their properties are similar to breast milk.
Protein in baby formula stimulates the baby’s body to form tissues, cells, and organs. In addition, proteins are important for strengthening the immune system, for the maturation of the nervous system, and for regulating the production of enzymes. With the direct participation of the component is the formation of a thin film on the surface of the intestine, which prevents the passage of gas (prevents colic).
Fats are an important component for the development of the CNS, brain, weight gain, and the formation of a stable psyche. The fats in the formula are special; they are mostly polyunsaturated fatty acids, and only a small part of them are fatty acids. Carbohydrates are needed by the little body for energy, the nervous system, and brain development. Carbohydrates are not completely digested by the baby’s body, so there is some lactose in its feces.
Also in the adapted formula should be present carotenoids, vitamin A and vitamin E, potassium, calcium, zinc, and sodium.
Always pay attention to how a small body reacts to the formula. Of course, all baby food products are manufactured according to strict composition and quality requirements, but every baby is unique. To protect it from possible allergic reactions, start with a small amount of formula. If there is no reaction, increase the quantity up to the necessary amount. Read in detail the information on the labels of baby formula, because you will be able to compare the closeness of the formula to a natural product.