A tradesman, often known as a “Tradie,” is a skilled manual labourer who specialises in a particular craft or trade. A tradesman is a skilled worker who has a strong theoretical and practical grasp of his or her craft.
The tradesman, who is frequently recognised as one of Australia’s most in-demand vocations, is among the highest earners in terms of compensation and earnings. The more money you may earn, the higher your education and the more experience you have.
Naturally, a tradie’s job is difficult and one of the most physically demanding occupations — far from the standard 9-5 office job. Being a tradie might entail a variety of things, like being dubbed “sparkies, chippies, or brickies,” yet they all have a lot in common.
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What makes working as a tradie so appealing?
There are many reasons why Australians opt to pursue a profession in trade; here are some of the more popular ones:
1. Job stability
Tradies are one of Australia’s most in-demand services, and their employment are among the most sought after in the country. There is no scarcity of handyman repair, house construction, landscaping contracting, or plumbing projects, to mention a few. It is not an exaggeration to state that the Tradie will be needed all day, every day. For those young individuals who are concerned about their future possibilities, the trade career route is bright and exciting.
2. No need for a university education
A university bachelor’s degree for an office job normally takes three years to complete, after which honours, master’s, and doctoral degrees might be pursued. All of this comes at great expense, and the average student debt in Australia is presently believed to be over $20,000, give or take. Add to that the restless hours of unending studying, and you have a recipe for disaster.
A tradie, depending on his or her experience, competence, and practical knowledge, will not spend nearly as much time studying (typically anywhere from 6 months to two years), acquiring the majority of his or her abilities on the job and avoiding enormous debts in the process.
3. Workplace adaptability
Once tradies have mastered his or her craft and obtained the required qualification, they can effectively choose their own projects and work for themselves. Many tradespeople choose to work for themselves and develop a business because it offers them the option and possibility to have complete control over their work and careers, which is a very appealing proposition.
4. Varied work environment
A tradie is able to work from almost any location. For this reason, it is particularly well suited to people who don’t want to spend their days sat in an office cubicle. Depending on your area of expertise, you’ll get to spend your days at different sites, work outdoors, and generally benefit from a diverse work environment.
5. Salary
As a Tradie, your earnings are not restricted by the number of hours you work each day. With the right trade qualification, the more you learn and expand your talents, the more money you will be able to make. Obtaining a license for a certain profession, such as plumber or electrician, boosts your earning potential. With your license, you may work for yourself, create your own business, and hire other qualified tradesmen to work for you, considerably boosting your revenue.
6. You can take your skills anywhere
As a tradie’s abilities and certifications improve, new doors (and windows) to other opportunities open up. Perhaps you fancy relocating to a new city. If so, as a tradie, you won’t be tied down to a certain area. Your nationally recognized certification will enable you to take your skills anywhere. There will always be a demand for qualified employees in their trades and professions, no matter where you go.
7. Work satisfaction
When you talk to tradesmen, one of the topics they invariably bring up is the job satisfaction associated with working as a tradie.
Tradies experience a genuine sense of accomplishment when they complete a task. You’ll find a sense of fulfilment when you drive around an area or a neighbourhood and see locations you helped create, infrastructure you assisted with, and things you produced. It could be a home, landscaping, a company, machinery, or something else – you know you did a good job when people appreciate and enjoy it.