The student-teacher relationship is important for academic success
The relationship between a student and his teacher is an important factor in academic success, especially among young people. However, quality depends on the gender, economic situation and behavior of the children.
The relationship between a student and his teacher is an important factor in academic success, especially among young people. However, quality depends on the gender, economic situation and behavior of the children. This resulted from the analysis of data from a longitudinal study of the child’s development.
According to a brochure published in 2012, it should be noted that most teachers and students think they have a positive attitude, but this number decreases with the age of the children. In fact, 68% of preschoolers find that they have a close and warm relationship with the youngest, compared to 47% of children in the fourth grade. For students who say they love their teacher, the rate between the first and fourth year of primary school ranges from 89% to 75%.
Being a teacher is more than a job, it is a service
The task of teaching is more than just passing on messages, which is undoubtedly very important. The teacher should also guide students in the learning process, identify their shortcomings, ask more specific points and provide tools to acquire new knowledge and skills. In this sense, one of our main functions is classroom management, because only thanks to an adequate timetable, knowledge of each student and a program of activities tailored to his needs can we treat them as personally as possible can serve.
Being a teacher is more than a job for me: it is a service. We operate in an area that in many cases involves combating adolescents’ resistance to dealing with their disabilities or working methods where they are uncomfortable. Now, after this effort, it is very gratifying to see their progress and how they know the journey is worth it.
Being a teacher is a constant challenge and a constant learning
It is a profession where people are most important. Being educated allows me to connect with teenagers and be with them at a particular moment in their lives. This is a constant challenge, because in order to learn better, you must constantly learn. It is work without difficulties, with everyday misunderstandings, contradictions and frustrations … but there is also hope, joy, forgiveness, understanding …
You should benefit if you meet inspiring students, want to learn and encourage them to come up with your suggestions and connect with you. Then you feel you are part of their growth path, and when it’s time to say goodbye, they are a small part of your life.
In addition, teachers reported more positive relationships with women, and more women liked their teachers. “This unique relationship experience may be accentuated by the fact that most pre-school and primary school teachers are women. Teachers may feel closer to women than men and work with them more comfortably. Unfortunately, the data do not support this assumption.
The same trend is also observed in the poorest children and children with behavioral problems. Teachers often feel that they do not have a very good relationship with these children. These results are carefully considered because “disadvantaged students who experience educational and supportive relationships with their teachers at the beginning of their school careers understand their school environment. In a more positive way. ” Students with behavioral problems show better adaptability and better learning outcomes when they experience a warm relationship with their teachers from school.
In addition, in all cases, we found that teachers’ feelings of trust and effectiveness have a positive effect on young people’s learning outcomes around the age of ten. “About 18% to 25% of children’s teachers in this survey said they do not feel confident and effective in their interactions with them. It can be helpful to help teachers make decisions. Strategies that are different and tailored to the challenges presented by some children. This can be achieved through Professional Development for K-12 Educators sessions or by setting up technical support measures. For students,
The teachers showed great love and devotion.
Regardless of the level of education or the path taken by the teaching profession, all of us who have engaged in this wonderful work have two basic qualities: love and devotion. The perfect combination to keep our children’s future in good hands. Happy Teachers Day, teachers, tutors, teachers, teachers and tutors. Call them whatever you want. We know who they are. Their feelings and their professionalism give them.