In the last year of higher education, every student is handed a thesis to complete. But it depends upon the student which topic and what method they want to utilize to lead their thesis. There are two types of thesis students need to choose from.
- Descriptive Thesis
- Prescriptive Thesis
Are you one of the students who chose a descriptive thesis? Then you must be pretty worried about writing it. But no need to worry, this blog is the proper guide of how you can write a good descriptive thesis.
What Is A Descriptive Thesis?
A descriptive thesis is based on facts and conditions of a certain group of people, or a certain phenomenon. It collects evidence and information about one specific thing. There are no independent and dependent variables in a descriptive thesis as it is based solely on observations. The effect of one variable on another is not measured in this type of thesis.
A Step By Step Guide on Writing a Descriptive Thesis
Writing a thesis is not an easy task. But with the right help, this impossible task can be made possible. Just follow the steps provided below for each chapter.
Chapter I: Introduction
The first thing you will write is the introduction. Sometimes students go for writing introduction in last. That is also fine but it doesn’t give you a clear perspective when writing the chapter of discussion. Break down your topic and introduce every element one by one. Clarify the purpose and significance of your study. Describe the significance by emphasizing how your research is contributing to your selected field.
Tip: Everything should be in a flow for a reader. Do not put unrelated knowledge in this chapter such as research method, sample, etc. And do not confuse it with chapter II and provide in-depth insight into the background of your selected topic.
Chapter II: Literature Review
The literature review simply put is the background. The context of your research purpose will be identified here. This will pinpoint the backbone of your thesis statement. It will explain what theories made you research the specific problem.
Tip: Remember, this part of the thesis is purely based on research. Only state the authentic facts and theories. And provide citations and references for every piece of given information.
Chapter III: Methodology
This chapter is the complete guide of how you conducted your research. Your methodology should provide proper guidance to future researchers if they want to replicate your study. Present what research methods you used in your research. There are three main research methods for data collection for a descriptive thesis.
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1. Observational Method
The observational method is the most effective method for conducting descriptive research. This method can be used both for qualitative and quantitative data. The technique is to only monitor and then draw conclusions from them. Observations are conducted in a normal environment. This way only the true responses are collected as the researcher does not manipulate the situation.
2. Survey Method
The survey method is used to gather data from a large sample population. Interviews and questionnaires are major forms of data collection. This is the most popular data collection method, especially in marketing researches. Surveys are conducted through open-ended or close-ended questions. This method is easily applicable on both offline and online forums.
3. Case Study Method
The least used research method for a descriptive thesis is the case study method. This method is applied by gathering in-depth knowledge of the sample. As this is based on complete background knowledge of the sample, it cannot be applied to quantitative data. For this reason, the results gathered from this method can’t be generalized.
Further things mentioned in the methodology chapter are:
- Target population
- Sample
- Material
- Introduction of data analysis tool
- Instruments used
- Specifications of the instrument
Tip: Write the methodology chapter as you are personally explaining how and what materials you utilized to conduct your research on a professional platform. A good PhD. Thesis writer can be easily determined by professors through reading the methodology chapter. So, put a little extra effort into it.
Chapter IV: Data Analysis
This chapter is made up of your results. Detail description of the results is given in this chapter. The result is calculated by applying the statistical tool introduced in the methodology. Charts, graphs, and tables are a great source of showing the accumulation and difference in the obtained results.
Tip: Statistics is not a strong area of every student. To easily convert your raw data into grouped data for result interpretation, use a thesis writing service for statistical tool application. This will save time and you will also have a guarantee that there are no problems with your results.
Chapter V: Discussion
Now that you have your results, this chapter will be written to theoretically support your findings. Don’t just report your findings, but relating them with theories is the real purpose of this chapter. Your every point should be based on facts.
Tip: Avoid putting personal statements. It is easy to write personal conclusions when writing the thesis discussion. But this practice discredits the thesis. Only connect your work with authentic findings.
Chapter VI: Conclusion
Summarize the entirety of your thesis in few pages. Then write implications, limitations, and suggestions.
Implications: Benefits of your research in both theoretical and practical fields.
Limitations: The challenges that may have affected your research outcome.
Suggestions: Recommendations for future researchers. Things they should do and things they should avoid.
Tip: This chapter is the essence of your efforts done over the year. Do not write this chapter similar to the introduction. This is the most commonly made mistake by every researcher. Make sure to avoid it.
Chapter VII: Reference and Bibliography
Make a complete list of all the citations used in your thesis. Mention references and bibliography separately. References are made of all the information cited in your thesis. And bibliography is the list of work you took inspiration from while writing your thesis.
Tip: Follow the correct format for each reference. And also make sure that you are following the format correctly.
Appendices are all the external material you used in your thesis such as a questionnaire. Make sure you attach them as they are very important. Tables and graphs are also part of the appendix.
Editing the thesis is crucial. Make sure to divide the process of editing into two sections, macro and micro.
Macro Editing:
This is the editing of the structure of your thesis. Making sure that the flow of headings is correct. And check if some sections need to be expended.
Micro Editing:
This is a thorough examination to check grammar, spelling mistakes, repetitive words, proper paragraphing, and sentence structure.
Check Plagiarism
Plagiarism can make or break your thesis. Use plagiarism tools such as Turnitin and Grammarly to ensure that your plagiarism percentage is not exceeding the appointed limit by your institute.
Ready to Go!
Your thesis is wrapped up, now submit it to your professor. Your professor will approve it and then it will be ready to be presented in front of the board.