Even a decade ago, coaches were not considered integral to an organization and hence were hired as personal coaches more often than professional or executive coaches. In the changing scenario, organisations have realized that coaching can help increase productivity as well as motivation and thus many organisations actively started hiring Coaches. The norm was to get in an external coach, that is, a coach who worked outside the organisation and was hired for a limited period of time. However, external coaches were available for a limited period, and they took a lot of time to understand how an organization worked. It was also quite expensive to hire external coaches. Nowadays, organizations worldwide have understood the benefits of having “in-house” coaches as there is no issue of non-availability and being on the inside, they understand how the organisation works. Internal coaches have been known to turn out to be highly beneficial for motivation and growth of an organization.
What is meant by internal coaching?
Internal coaching is certified training on coaching skills for employees who are already working in the organisation. This helps to spread a coaching culture within the organisation as coaches are no longer external agents. They are seen as integral to the organisation.
Organizations who are interested in helping their existing employees become coaches can enrol them for Internal Coaching Programs. This has benefits both for the organisation as well as the individual. Internal coaches are available for a longer period, they can participate in official meetings, and other employees feel comfortable around them as they know these internal coaches personally.
Internal coaches can be organization managers, team leaders, HR personals or any supervisory level employees, who enjoy coaching and have a desire to work for other employees’ all-around development.
Who benefits by becoming an internal coach?
The certified internal coach training program is curated and designed especially for organizational team-leaders, learning and development department personnel, senior and intermediate managers, Human Resource employees, skill-enhancing mentors, and personality development personnel. There are many ICF certified coach training providers who, with the help of organizations, upskill eligible employees into certified internal coaches.
Any individual who, directly or indirectly, involved in personnel development should ideally be trained as an Internal Coach. Based on the level of internal coach training program completion, coach training providers issue a valid course certificate. Internal Coaches can later on also use their learning as a stepping stone to becoming ICF certified ACC or PCC coaches.
Why do organizations need their internal coaches?
Certified internal coaches support their fellow employees, team members, or juniors in their professional journey and assist in their personal growth and development. Trained internal coaches do not impose themselves by “telling” things. Instead, they guide their colleagues and those coming to them for coaching to find answers for themselves. This provides more direction and less friction as employees transition to bigger roles and take on more responsibility.
The internal coach training program helps in creating a learning and coaching culture in the organizations. The organization benefits from this program as the employees get detailed knowledge of coaching. They motivate all the people who look to them for coaching to rise to their highest potential and overcome roadblocks. Internal coach training is ideal for people employed in the management and growth development departments of an organization.
How is the internal coach training program structured?
Many online coach training program providers provide an internal coach training certification program. The internal coach certification program does not have any time specifications. It is a fully customizable coach training program that can be imparted at any organization’s workspace. The internal coach training program is a flexible coach training program that depends on the applicant’s availability of time and the vision of the organization. It is a practical coach training program that is customized depending on the organization’s requirements.
How does internal coaching benefit the employees of your organization?
The internal coach training program is specially conceptualized for existing employees of an organization who are directly or indirectly associated with leading and developing the organisation’s workforce. Some benefits of how being internal coaches benefit employees in an organization are:
- Beneficial for all Human resource and Leadership roles –Internal coach training is beneficial for HR professionals, Learning and Development Professionals and Leaders at all levels. Managers, supervisors, team leaders, and company leaders all can participate in the internal coach training program.
- Cultivating a coaching culture in the organization: Internal coach training programs train existing organizational executives to acquire coaching skills, which creates a coaching culture within the organization. Internal coaches bond with their fellow workers well and encourage them to work towards personal growth and the organization’s development.
- Increase in awareness and productivity:Trained internal coaches have an enhanced level of self-awareness. They are also well aware of the feelings and emotions of others as their emotional quotient gets enhanced through the course. Internal coaches strike a good rapport with fellow workers. Co-workers get motivated by their friendly, positive approach and work better.
Organizations choose internal coach training programs for personal development employees for developing a credible support system for their other workers.