When the subject of corporate flu vaccinations is being discussed, most people think of just the immediate benefits which are not having to worry about your staff getting sick with the virus, increased productivity, and lower costs.
However, the advantages of corporate flu vaccinations go just beyond the medical benefits or impacts of the shots. In this article, we will explain why it is so and then allow you to arrive at your conclusion on whether it is true or not.
Become an attraction magnet for potential employees
The truth is there was a time employees were running after employers like bees in a hive, however, these days, employers are increasingly finding it difficult to fill skills gaps and recruit the right employees.
Many employers are upping their games so they become a sought-after “employer of choice”. How do they hope to achieve this? One of the ways is by supporting the health and happiness of the workforce.
This is why employers and organizations that promote and invest in employees’ health and well-being are becoming more in demand. People expect their employers to encourage them in taking care of themselves as society’s attitudes change. Because of this, job seekers must consider their health and welfare first before they bring up salary-related issues.
Having programs that focus on the health and wellbeing of your employees such as corporate flu vaccinations will enhance your workers’ perceptions of the company’s worth and have an overall beneficial effect on workplace culture.
This alone is enough to boost staff morale, raise output, and lower absenteeism.
Support Employee health
Taking the subject of corporate flu vaccinations serious demonstrates to potential and current employees how much your organization cares about their health and wellbeing.
This can create a contagious social effect on the workforce especially when they believe their company and coworkers value their health and wellness. Remember the maxim: health is life. Moreover, people who work in environments where wellness is valued may be more willing to take initiative on their own to better their personal health and wellbeing.
Furthermore, corporate flu vaccinations boost job performance by lowering the chances of a wide range of health issues that can confront your business.
Remember, employees who are in better physical and mental health are more productive. And, what are the results of improved health? Increased productivity, less absenteeism, and other positive business outcomes are the results you could think of.
To further buttress this point, a study from Australia proves that the healthiest workers put in 2.9 times as many productive hours per month as the least healthy ones.
If you forget anything in this article, please never forget that getting corporate flu vaccinations for your company result in having healthier employees. And, having healthier employees result in increased productivity.
Become an attraction magnet for consumers
It’s interesting to note that the ethical behavior of businesses or companies, especially how they treat employees overall, may have an impact on more than just employees’ decisions. In making judgments about purchases and collaborations, consumers, customers, and clients are increasingly considering ethics and corporate social responsibility.
If words go around that you treat your employees right, that’s a plus for your business.
Getting corporate flu vaccinations for your workers communicate at least two morally sound ethical messages: you care about your employees and you care about the individuals they interact with on the job. By doing this, you can make sure that your company is seen as compassionate, moral, and socially responsible.